What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train?

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend and are indeed amazing pets. However, training them can be challenging, especially when it comes to potty training.

While some dogs learn quickly and adapt to new routines, others can take months or years to learn the basics.

In this article, we will explore the topic of potty training and discuss the hardest dogs to train.

What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train?

Before we dive into the specifics of which dogs are the hardest to potty train, it is essential to understand what potty training is and why it is crucial.

Potty training is the process of teaching your dog to eliminate waste in an appropriate area.

This is an important part of training as it helps keep your home clean and establishes healthy habits for your dog.

To begin potty training as early as possible, it is essential to be consistent.

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The Basic Principles of Potty Training

The following are the basic principles of potty training your dog:

  • Establish a routine – take your dog out simultaneously every day.
  • Choose a designated potty area, and always take your dog to that spot.
  • Reward your dog after he/she eliminates in the designated spot.
  • Supervise your dog indoors to prevent accidents, and use a crate when necessary.

By following these basic principles, you can set your dog up for success when it comes to potty training. However, some breeds may require more time and effort than others.

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The Hardest Dogs to Potty Train

Here are some of the breeds that are considered to be the hardest dogs to potty train:

1. Dachshunds

Dachshunds are known for their stubborn nature, which can challenge potty training. They are also prone to separation anxiety, which can make the process even more difficult.

2. Bichon Frises

Bichon Frises are small and cute but can be challenging to potty train. They have a small bladder and require frequent potty breaks. They are also prone to anxiety, which can make accidents more likely.

3. Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas are tiny but can be a big challenge in potty training. They are notoriously difficult to housebreak and require consistent and patient training.

4. Jack Russell Terriers

Jack Russell Terriers are intelligent and energetic but can be stubborn in potty training. They require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation and can become easily distracted during training sessions.

5. Siberian Huskies

Siberian Huskies are intelligent and independent but can be difficult to potty train. They have a high prey drive and can become easily distracted during training sessions.

They also require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, making training sessions even more challenging.

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Tips for Potty Training Difficult Dogs

If you have one of the breeds mentioned above or another difficult breed, here are some tips that can help make potty training more manageable:

  • Be patient and consistent – Potty training takes time and effort.
  • Use positive reinforcement – Reward your dog when he/she eliminates in the designated spot.
  • Be vigilant indoors – Supervise your dog to prevent accidents.
  • Consider crate training – A crate can help your dog establish a routine and prevent accidents indoors.
  • Consult a professional – If you are struggling with potty training, consider consulting a professional trainer.


In conclusion, the hardest dog breeds to potty train are those known to be stubborn, independent, or have a strong prey drive.

Breeds such as the Dachshund, Jack Russell Terrier, and Afghan Hound can be particularly challenging to train due to their independent nature and strong will.

However, it’s important to remember that every dog is different, and with consistent training, patience, and positive reinforcement, any dog can be successfully potty trained.

It’s essential to be patient, persistent, and understanding throughout the process, as it can take time for dogs to learn new habits and behaviors.

By providing your furry friend with plenty of love, attention, and guidance, you can help them become a well-behaved and happy family member.

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